首页 > 行业动态 > 從泉源到口杯每一步都要遵循pH標準飲用的衛生規範分析







pH(potential of hydrogen)是一种测量溶液酸碱度的方法,它表示溶液中氢离子浓度相对于纯净物(通常以1mol/L作为参考)的10对数。如果一个溶液中的氢离子浓度高于这个参考浓度,则该溶液为酸;低于则为碱;如果接近,则为中性。在自然界中,大部分河流湖泊和地下盐矿其PH值通常处于弱碱性的范围,从7到9之间,但极端情况下可能会出现偏離這個範圍的情况。



五、如何进行drink water quality detection?

drink water quality detection is a complex process that involves multiple steps and techniques, including physical, chemical, and biological tests. In the case of pH value detection, there are several methods available:

Electrometric method: This is the most common method used for pH measurement in laboratories and field applications. It involves using an electrode to measure the potential difference between two electrodes immersed in the sample.

Colorimetric method: This method uses color changes in a solution to indicate the pH level. The solution contains indicators that change color at specific pH values.

Potentiometric method: Similar to electrometric method but uses a potentiometer instead of an electrode.

All these methods have their own advantages and disadvantages depending on factors such as accuracy required, cost-effectiveness, ease of use etc.


In conclusion, maintaining proper levels of pH in drinking water is crucial for human health due to its impact on overall body function and balance. Therefore it's necessary to monitor and control PH levels throughout all stages from source (spring or well) through treatment processes (coagulation sedimentation filtration disinfection) until it reaches our tap or bottled form. Regular testing with appropriate methods will ensure compliance with established standards like Chinese National Standard GB/T 5740-2006 which sets limits for different types of contaminants including acidity/alkalinity parameters.

Regularly checking your drinking water's quality can help you avoid any potential harm caused by unbalanced PH levels thus ensuring better health outcomes for individuals especially those who consume large quantities daily like athletes or people working outdoors under harsh conditions where they lose more fluids than usual.

By understanding how important it is to maintain optimal PH levels within your drinking water supply we can make informed decisions about what kind of treatments we need implement at home or work place if needed based off our individual circumstances rather than just relying solely on government regulations alone without taking proactive measures ourselves either way whether that be through installing filters systems at home office space building facilities etcetera .



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