首页 > 行业动态 > 降雨量监测仪水质检测的指标吗






光学rainfall监测站可广泛地应用于气象、防汛、农业、水文water quality management,环保、高速公路机场和港口等领域。既可为气象台(站)、水文station,national defense,wild外测报站在提供原始data;也可为防洪供water调度,电station,水库water level管理提供有参考价值的实时data。


1.本light rain sensor采用pure sine wave infrared light source,internal narrowband filter,rain detection area of 78 square centimeters,capable of accurately measuring rainfall intensity and duration without interference from strong sunlight or other environmental factors.

2. Measurement accuracy high range wide stable performance low power consumption strong resistance to external interference.

3. Can work all day round weather conditions no effect on measurement accuracy accurate to second rainfall duration monitoring.

4. No maintenance required rain drop contact surface arc-shaped design structure does not store water.

5. Automatic horizontal calibration function after installation no need for field calibration.

6. Low power consumption collector static power consumption less than 0.5mA

7.Modbus485 support sensor expansion

8.Solar panel charging management MPPT automatic power point tracking

9.Short message alarm exceed limit sends short message to mobile phone

10.ABS material protective case corrosion resistant oxidation-resistant waterproof grade IP66


1.Measurement principle infrared scanning

2.Measurement range rain intensity 0~4mm/min

3.Accuracy ±4%

4.Resolution 0.01mm

5.Power supply solar power system

6.Solar panel capacity 30W

7.Battery specifications 20Ah lead-acid battery with a lifespan of up to five years in harsh environments.


The cloud-based software platform supports real-time data display and historical data analysis on both mobile devices and PC browsers without the need for additional software installations.

Supports multiple accounts and devices login at the same time.

Provides a dashboard for real-time data display and historical data analysis.

Cloud server storage ensures stability reliability scalability load balancing.

Supports SMS alarms threshold settings

Supports map display device information

Data curve analysis

Data export in table format

Data forwarding HJ-212 protocol TCP forwarding HTTP protocol etc.

Supports post-processing functions JavaScript scripting support



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