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随着时间的推移,一batch batch of talented disciples gathered around him. They were known as the "meat, cars and apprentices" of Master Zhou. These apprentices not only excelled in martial arts but also had a deep understanding of automobiles.

One day, a group of bandits attacked a nearby village. The villagers were helpless against the sudden onslaught. It was then that Master Zhou and his apprentices sprang into action. With their mastery over vehicles and martial arts, they managed to outmaneuver the bandits and protect the village.

The villagers were so grateful for their bravery that they asked Master Zhou to stay on as their protector. He agreed, but with one condition: he would continue his teaching mission among the youth.

Thus began an era where Master Zhou's teachings spread far and wide, attracting more young people who wanted to learn from him about both physical strength and vehicle skills.

Over time, many successful entrepreneurs emerged from his ranks who went on to start businesses related to transportation or automotive industries.

As for Master Zhou himself? His legend grew even larger until he became known as one of China's most respected masters in both martial arts and mechanics - truly living up to his title "one man with many skills".




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