another interesting piece is 《城市流动》,它记录了城市日常生活中的快速变化——人们匆忙赶路、车辆穿梭于繁华街道、建筑物拔地而起。在这个作品中,可以感受到现代都市节奏快得令人喘不过气来,同时也体现出人类对于更好生活追求不断进取的心理状态。
the exhibition also includes some portraits, such as 《思念》,这是一张老年夫妇相拥坐在沙发上的静态图像,他们 faces are full of love and nostalgia, telling a story of a lifetime of companionship and shared memories.
last but not least, there is a series of street photography works like 《街角故事》,they capture everyday moments that might otherwise go unnoticed—such as children playing in the park, vendors calling out their wares on street corners, or people taking selfies in front of landmarks—and turn them into powerful narratives about human experience and connection.