小型滚动抛光机CB 系列此機爲小容置的滚動抛光機,具有購置成本低、操作方便、不占地方、噪音小、轉速快等優點,備有時間設置、變播(有五播轉速:40、60、100、180、300)調速功能,棰大地提离了生産效率,適用于各類五金、電子、塑膝、首飾、服裝輔料等類型的小零件進行去毛剌、倒角、除批鋒、去斑、抛光、攪拌混色等小批置加工。 The machine is a rotating polishing machine with the minimum volume, itfeature low cost, easy operation, compact constructure, low noise, fastrotating speed. Time setting and gear shifting (5?level rotating speed: 40,60. 100.180.300) speed changing function is available. It is suitable fordeburring. chamfering, spot removing, polishing, stir mixing process onsmall batch small parts of various hardware, electronic, plastic, jewelry,garment accessories etc.