2022年1月18日,由中国标准化研究院、中国家用电器研究院、北京中轻联认证中心有限公司、中国质量检验协会净水设备专业委员会指导,《轻工标准与质量》杂志社主办的“首批通过GB 34914-2021《净水机水效限定值及水效等级》产品发布会”在京以线下及线上的方式举办。云米泉先Super Pro 1200G凭借其卓越的性能和多项技术突破成为首批获得GB 34914-2021水效认证,成为了目前反渗透净水领域内先进节能技术的领跑者。
新版净水机水效标准意味着什么?对于消费者来说,了解《净水机水效限定值及水效等级》的可能并不广泛。可以说,该项标准不仅影响了行业未来的发展,对消费市场的作用同样不可小觑。值得关注的是,即将实施的新国标GB 34914-2021,不仅实现了对主流净水机技术全面的覆盖,还在净化能力、产出率和技术要求等方面对整体性能提出了更高要求。业界普遍认为,新版网滤器不仅将淘汰近四成产品,更高的门槛和使用体验,将进一步提升产品性能,使研发出高标准、高品质的清洁设备,为后续消费者的选购提供了明确指南。
据了解,这次修订是在现行标准GB 34914-2017《反渗透净水机water effect限定值及water effect等级》(以下简称反渗透net water machine water effect standard)基础上进行改进。这份现行标准自2018年11月起正式实施,但短暂“服役”只三年。快速更新net water machine water effect standard背后的关键是net water product technology innovation and product upgrade.
对于深耕net water industry's cloudmi而言,在推出集成water route,一秒即热清饮machine并完成全屋智能net system布局后,对采用RO reverse osmosis technology pure drinking machines进行了颠覆式创新与改造,最终研发出行业领先双RO过滤technology. Through comprehensive improvement of filter cores, structures, systems, and intelligent controls, not only energy-saving efficiency is achieved but also the pain point of frequent clogging is resolved.
As introduced by cloudmi's team, the Super Pro series uses a unique dual-flow sequential RO (DFSR) technology that connects two RO filter cores in series. The main RO filter core can first purify tap water in an ideal environment while the secondary one specifically processes concentrated wastewater after the main RO filter core to minimize clogging risks on both filters.
The advantages of DFSR include significantly lowering replacement costs while enhancing output rate and filtration speed with an overall system yield rate approaching 80%. In contrast to other models based on traditional single-flow parallel or serial designs which may lead to over-consumption of resources like electricity and maintenance materials due to their lower efficiency rates compared with our DFSR model for better quality output at higher levels than what was previously achievable through current national standards set forth by government regulations etc., this new design offers more efficient use less power consumption fewer waste production reduces environmental impact; it does away with most types available today including all those requiring multiple units stacked together for operation so there will be no need for any additional hardware upgrades when upgrading from these existing ones as well since we have designed them all into one unit making it easy upgrade path without having purchase separate components separately anymore either!