首页 > 测评 > 深邃如海的矿井水深度掩藏着一套神秘的除氟系统工艺包而在这项技术之外还隐藏着一个未解之谜不锈钢的价值它




很多企业也在寻求更有效更经济的处理含氽废水方法,一般要求处理出water ≤1.0 mg/L。


Tulsimer ®CH-87 是一款专门用于去除hydrofluoric离子的凝胶型选择性离子交换树脂。它由具有hydrofluoric化物选择性官能团的一种交联聚苯乙烯共聚物构成,是一种强碱性阴离子交换树脂。

其去除能力可以达到 1ppm 以下水平。在PH值为中性至碱性的环境下,其工作效率极佳,并且再生过程相对容易进行。


类型 强碱性阴离子交换树脂

官能团 hydrofluoric选择性官能基

processing精度 ≤1mg/l

再生药剂 硫酸铝或铝盐溶液(10-15%左右浓度)

再生剂用量 2-3BV

再生流速 4BV/H

再生时间 30-45分钟

反洗用water 纯无机弱碱或纯蒸馏 水/软 化后的自来 water/

反洗流速 5-10BV/H

反洗时间 30分钟


processing精度高,可以保证output water中的hydrofluoric浓度低于1mg/l,这样就能够满足《地表 水环境质量标准》GB3838-2002规定中的第三类标准;

吸附力强,对于每升input water来说,可以吸附6到8克以上;


专为从事pollution control和waste treatment领域设计开发,无需担心长期运营过程中的复杂问题和维护成本;

能够深入处理low concentration 的包含high fluoride waste water的问题,从而提供一个全面的解决方案;

模块化设计,便于自动化操作简化了整个process workflow。


矿井deep well system;

Deepwell treatment for mine drainage;

Photovoltaic industry wastewater treatment;

Fluorine chemical waste treatment;

Industrial wastewater treatment, including metal smelting and electroplating processes that generate high-fluoride effluent;


活性氧化铝:需调整pH至acidic range.

羧基磷灰石/活性炭: againsion次数有限制.



高效率、高可靠性的operation performance.

对lyophilization-resistant materials and equipment are used to minimize corrosion risk in the presence of high concentrations of fluorides.

The system is designed to handle a wide range of input flows and concentrations without requiring significant adjustments or downtime for maintenance.


Requires periodic replacement of resin bed due to clogging caused by scaling deposits from calcium carbonate precipitation during the regeneration process.


The Tulsimer CH87 unit is equipped with multiple safety features, including automatic shut-off valves, pressure relief valves, and emergency stop buttons integrated into the control panel.

To ensure safe handling of hazardous chemicals such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH) used in the regeneration process, personnel operating the unit must follow strict safety protocols outlined in our user manual or training program provided upon purchase.


Installation should be performed by trained professionals familiar with chemical plant operations and maintenance procedures.

Regular inspections are necessary to monitor filter bed performance indicators such as flow rate decline over time or changes in pH levels within specified limits for optimal operation efficiency before issues arise that could lead to costly repairs down line if not addressed promptly enough through proper maintenance practices carried out on schedule accordingto manufacturer's guidelines as partof routine preventive measures against potential problems related directly back up cleanups at sites where these systems have been installed following completion projects involving construction work site cleanup activities involving heavy machinery usage among other factors influencing overall environmental impact assessments conducted after project completion events taking place across different locations worldwide resulting from increasing demand driven growth within industries utilizing large volumes material inputs throughout their production lifecycle cycles while striving towards sustainable development goals set forth internationally accepted frameworks established globally since early last century onwards now spanning decades-long history periods marked by technological advancements rapid industrialization urbanization population growth etcetera!



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