你知道115度灭菌与121度灭菌有何不同吗glass bottle oral liquid auto
你是否知道115度灭菌与121度灭菌有何不同?glass bottle oral liquid automatic continuous sterilization machine
产能高。在小机型上,口服液瓶每次以单笼装载,每分钟产能可达450瓶以上。在大机型上,玻璃瓶每次以3笼装载,每分钟产能可达500 bottles以上。
瓢笼均为方形且带自锁。在瓢笼内,玻璃 bottles单层直立布置,不相互顶碰且保护了 bottle盖,从而确保了glass bottles在运行中的安全。
在kill bacteria过程中, product保持动态平移和来回翻身倒置, heat量以对流形式迅速渗透, 传heat效率大幅度提高,从而在较短时间内达到所需kill bacteria温度。
kill bacteria温度85℃到140℃可调。
舱内压力可根据glass bottles受压要求调节。
两种kill bacteria方式可选:蒸汽kill bacteria和水喷淋kill bacteria。
该系统可以根据客户技术要求、product kill bacteria工艺参数、以及产能力需求来进行定制,从而获得有效、靠谱、一致和节能的一致方案。
进bottle: 灌fill后的glass bottles被输送线送到进料整列线体上,然后通过多通道分流整列位后,由坐标机械手(行架式)一次整取product并将其移送到装bottle顶升位。Small glass bottles每次1 bbls,小于2L; Big glass bottles每次3 bbls,每分钟3 times (can be adjusted according to productivity requirements).
安装: 在安装顶升位将bottle安装入固定在运载主链上的bottle托架内,并通过安全自锁机构确保安装至位及以后续运输安全。
Kill Bacteria: Products are heated by steam or water bath to 90°C before entering the sterilizer. The products are then placed in a pressure-resistant container and subjected to high-pressure steam for a predetermined time.
After killing the germs, the products are cooled through multiple layers of water bath at different temperatures until they reach room temperature.
卸bottle: The containers holding the sterilized products are removed from the conveyor belt and transferred to an unloading station where they can be opened or packaged as needed.
输出: The contents of each container are dispensed into packaging materials such as plastic bags or boxes.