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家用电器英文大全Hey Buddy Lets Get Familiar with the Engli

Hey, Buddy! Let's Get Familiar with the English Vocabulary for Your Home Appliances!

Are you tired of feeling like a fish out of water when it comes to communicating about home appliances in English? Don't worry, we've got you covered! In this article, we'll take a closer look at the essential vocabulary related to household electronics that will make your conversations smoother and more confident.

First off, let's start with some basic terms:

家用电器 (jīayòng diànqì) - Home Appliance

电冰箱 (diànbīngxiāng) - Refrigerator

洗衣机 (xǐyí jī) - Washing Machine

烧烤炉 (shāokuō lú) - Oven or Range

微波炉 (wēibó lú) - Microwave

Now that you know these fundamental terms, let's dive into some more advanced concepts:

空调器 (kōngtiáo qìr) - Air Conditioner or Air Conditioning Unit

电热水壶 (diàn rè shuǐhu) - Electric Kettle or Hot Water Dispenser

除湿机 (chúshìmashíjī) - Dehumidifier

But wait, there are even more! Here are some specialized words for different types of appliances:

洗衣液/洗洁精/洗涤剂/detergent: For washing machines and dishwashers.

清洁剂/cleaner: For various cleaning purposes.

冰箱内置型/refrigerator built-in type: If your fridge is integrated into your kitchen cabinets.

脱硫滤网/deodorizing filter: To remove unpleasant odors from air conditioning units.

Lastly, here are a few idiomatic expressions to spice up your conversations:

13."把…放进冰箱里" / "Put [something] in the fridge."

14."开空调" / "Turn on the AC."

15."加热水壶" / "Heat up water."

With these phrases under your belt, you're ready to tackle any conversation involving home appliances in English like a pro! So go ahead and impress your friends with newfound confidence – they'll be green with envy over how much smarter you've become!



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