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1.1. 灯光与心理学


1.2. 灯光布局

lamps' placement plays a crucial role in creating a welcoming atmosphere in dental clinic waiting halls.

In order to create a comfortable and relaxing environment for patients, it is essential to strategically place the lighting fixtures throughout the hall. This includes placing floor lamps or table lamps at regular intervals, as well as installing overhead lighting that provides sufficient illumination without being too harsh.

By doing so, patients will feel more at ease while waiting for their appointments, and they are less likely to feel anxious about their upcoming procedures.

2.0 技术应用

The use of smart lighting technology can also enhance the ambiance of a dental clinic's waiting area.

Smart lighting systems allow for greater control over light intensity and color temperature, allowing healthcare professionals to adjust the ambiance based on patient needs and preferences.

For example, during peak hours when there may be long wait times for appointments, bright white light can be used to keep patients alert and awake; whereas during slower periods when patients may be feeling anxious or nervous about their upcoming treatments, softer warm tones can promote relaxation and reduce anxiety levels.

3.0 环保考虑

As sustainability becomes an increasingly important consideration in architectural design practices around the world,

it is essential that dental clinics incorporate eco-friendly materials into their design schemes wherever possible – including those used in lamp fixtures themselves!

Energy-efficient LED bulbs are one option which not only reduce energy consumption but also provide better light quality than traditional incandescent bulbs do with much lower wattage usage compared against them! Another approach might involve using recycled materials such as reclaimed wood flooring underfoot while incorporating natural stone walls alongside ornate metalwork details adorning both these surfaces alike – all contributing towards reducing our carbon footprint by minimizing waste & promoting resource efficiency within these spaces now serving us all better still today forward!



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