首页 > 彩电 > 高纯水设备犹如心脏般跳动的生命力与EDI紧密相连就像一对璀璨的星辰在夜空中绽放光芒大型制水机多少钱一




在操作过程中,EDI组件由多个单元相互隔开,并且设置有阴阳电极。在直流电力推动下,阴阳离子的移动使得淡水室中的污染物进入浓水室,而浓水室中的污染物则被排出系统。这一过程不需要化学再生,只需反渗透(RO)纯化后的淡水作为输入源即可。RO purified water typically has an electrical conductivity of 40-2μS/cm (25°C), while the output from EDI can reach as high as 18 MΩ.cm (25°C), making it suitable for applications requiring a resistance between 1 and 18.2 MΩ.cm.

The key features of EDI systems include continuous operation without the need for chemical regeneration, reducing the amount of acid and alkali required for regeneration and minimizing waste water generation. The module structure of EDI high pure water devices is characterized by:

Health-grade PE material used in dilution plates

Import uniform ion exchange membranes and domestic asymmetric ion exchange membranes

Import specialized uniform particle resins and domestic specialized uniform particle resins

Titanium-ruthenium-coated electrodes

Aluminum alloy pressure plate with high hardness

Standard national screws used for fixation screws

High-pressure testing up to 7 bar without leakage upon completion of membrane stacks

Low electrical resistance, low power consumption

Aesthetically pleasing exterior design with durable construction materials

10a large-scale membrane stack handles a flow rate of up to 3 T/H, while smaller modules handle a flow rate of up to 75 L/H.

11rational design prevents clogging, ensuring even water flow distribution.

The input requirements for EDI high pure water devices are typically single-level or double-level reverse osmosis permeate with parameters including:

Total Exchangeable Acid (TEA): <25 ppm CaCO3 equivalent.

Electrical Conductivity: <40 μS/cm.

pH: Typically between 6 and 9, but may be adjusted based on total hardness levels.

Temperature: Between -5 °C and +35 °C.

Pressure: ≤4 bar (60 psi).

Hardness: ≤1 ppm CaCO3 equivalent.

Organic matter content (TOC): ≤0.5 ppm.

Oxidizing agents like chlorine dioxide or ozone should not exceed specific limits depending on system configuration settings; Fe<0.lppm,Mn<0.lppm,H2S<0.lppm; SiO2<0.lppm; colorimetric value APHA≤5; dissolved CO2 concentration <10 ppm



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