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英特尔与AMD芯片大对决Cascade Lake X系列CPU价格战开启揭秘芯片精细制作流程及原理



值得一提的是,这些新发布的处理器正值9月30日AMD Ryzen Pro 3000系列台式机CPU发布之际。这表明两家公司都在紧张地工作,以提供最新技术并满足市场需求。

10月1日,一份Videocardz泄露的信息显示了Intel X系列CPU惊人的价格折扣,降幅高达40%至50%,使得这些HEDT CPU与AMD Ryzen Threadripper CPU处于同一水平。此外,微软刚刚推出了专为AI工作负载设计的Surface Pro X笔记本电脑,而英特尔则专注于其高端台式机CPU用于AI工作负载。

英文摘要: In the CPU market, Intel has long been the dominant player. However, AMD's strategy of offering better value for money has put pressure on Intel in recent years, particularly as demand for CPUs has increased again. Today, Intel launched three new series of CPUs - Core i9 W-2200 series and Core i7/i5 S-series - with the Core i9 X-series seeing a price drop of up to 50%, marking the beginning of a price war between Intel and AMD. This price war will benefit developers and consumers alike.

It is worth noting that these new processors coincide with AMD's launch of its Ryzen Pro 3000 series on September 30th. This indicates that both companies are working hard to provide the latest technology and meet market demands.

On October 1st, a leaked document from Videocardz revealed shocking price cuts for Intel's X-series CPUs, with discounts ranging from 40% to 50%, putting these HEDT CPUs on par with AMD's Ryzen Threadripper CPUs. Furthermore, Microsoft recently released its Surface Pro X laptop designed specifically for AI workloads while Intel is focusing on its high-end desktop CPUs for AI workloads.

In conclusion, this intense competition raises questions about why Intel and AMD are fighting over market share. Since PC sales have been declining since 2012 until last year when they saw their first increase in six years according to Gartner report in July '18 (6-year growth). The report suggests that there is an increasing demand due to businesses updating their systems to Windows ten system which could lead to more sales by end-of '20 especially among enterprises.

The lower prices offered by intel can make it easier for developers or enthusiasts upgrade from consumer class processors to HEDT ones



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