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图为 国际铜业协会亚洲区东区总裁 Colin May

I'd like to introduce the development of smart wiring in Australia and the future trends in China. In 2000, we launched a project to establish a standardized smart wiring system, which aimed to integrate communication, data transmission, entertainment, and other systems through a single network. The purpose of this project was to establish an industry standard for smart wiring and reduce construction costs.

In the past four decades, Australian homes have evolved significantly. In the 1970s and 1980s, most homes had limited electrical outlets and no air conditioning or multiple bathrooms. Today's homes have more complex wiring systems that support advanced technologies such as video streaming, remote healthcare services, energy management systems, and online gaming.

A standardized wiring system can greatly reduce consumers' costs by integrating all these technologies into one network. Our collaboration with local communication service providers and product manufacturers has been instrumental in promoting this technology.

The technical specifications for our smart wiring system are outlined in a diagram on our website. The system features a central distribution box connected via six-core cable to each room's outlet. The standard connector is RG45, an international standard.

While wireless routers are popular due to their convenience, they have limitations when it comes to high-bandwidth applications like those expected in future home networks. Wired networks offer better performance for handling large amounts of data transfer between devices.

Training programs are essential for both contractors who install these systems and manufacturers who produce electronic components used within them. We work closely with electrical contracting associations to provide training programs that equip their members with the skills needed to build efficient smart wiring systems.

Our association also maintains lists of qualified contractors on our website along with their contact information. We help industries identify qualified professionals capable of delivering high-quality installations while ensuring compliance with industry standards.

Currently about 30% of new houses built in Australia incorporate highly integrated smart wiring systems—a significant advantage over homes without such infrastructure when selling properties on today's market.

Surely there is ongoing debate over whether or not Australia should invest further resources into nationwide broadband expansion plans set out until at least year 2020—when speeds were initially planned be increased from present rates up towards gigabit speed levels.

Certainly though it seems likely that given rapid advancements made so far & projected future developments—this goal may seem somewhat conservative considering how quickly technological innovation continues pushing boundaries forward rapidly.

With fiber-optic connections becoming increasingly common throughout residential areas—it is predicted that households will soon require copper-based networking solutions capable enough handle vast volumes transmitted from fibers at incredible speeds across rooms seamlessly connecting various electronics effortlessly.

We believe then that "Line at Home" initiatives will play crucial role helping Chinese households navigate & effectively manage ever-growing digital footprints as well!



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