设备特点:1. 广泛适应粘度范围的能力,同时可用于纤维和颗粒的无害化处理;2. 通过瞬间处理方式,精确保留产品原味;3. 采用全自动或半自动控制系统,极大方便用户操作体验;4. 实现均匀热处理,并达成90%以上的热能回收效率;5. 设备内置自动清洁功能,防止物料附着不易清洗的问题;6. 配备先进PID温控系统,为温度监控提供实时支持;7. 安装与拆卸操作简单,便于后期维护和修理。
超高温管式浓浆杀菌机,实验室高温杀菌灭菌机 的应用优势:1. 利用介质与物料之间微小温差实现柔和加热过程;2. 高效利用热能,与之相伴的是卓越的90%以上热能回收率表现;
3. 精准控制蒸汽压力、流量等参数,以确保无害化过程中的温度精确性;
4. 具备多重安全保护措施,如压力报警系统,以保障操作人员及设备自身安全;
5.Automatic kill switch control, records of the entire sterilization process are automatically kept.
System features: 1.
Reliability and stability in design and construction, utilizing high-quality imported components for pumps, control systems, and material handling devices;
Safety first: a comprehensive array of safety measures including alarm systems and pressure protection to safeguard operators and equipment;
Multi-functional design with heating, cooling, and regeneration capabilities; flexible pipe arrangements facilitate uniform processing online;
Contact parts made from corrosion-resistant 316 stainless steel; sanitary DIN pipe fittings used for connections.
This ultra-high-temperature tubular concentrated milk sterilizer laboratory high-temperature sterilization machine is designed with precision in mind while ensuring efficient use of resources – all within an easy-to-use system that prioritizes both operator safety and device longevity!