首页 > 彩电 > 汽车电子电源行业可靠性要求电源厂家如何应对



首先,我们需要认识到新能源汽车存在的一些安全问题,这包括电气、化学和机械方面的问题。其中,三大核心技术——电池、电机和控制系统—are all crucial to the safety of these vehicles. The power system, in particular, is considered the "heart" of the vehicle and must be designed with safety in mind.

To ensure the reliability of automotive electronics, there are six key areas that manufacturers must focus on:

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing: This involves testing for electromagnetic interference and ensuring that products meet strict standards.

Electrical environment testing: This includes tests for voltage resistance, insulation performance, and more.

Mechanical environment testing: Vehicles are subjected to various mechanical stresses during operation, including vibration and shock.

Climatic environmental testing: Temperature and humidity are critical factors in this type of test.

IATF 16949 management system: This international standard covers quality management systems for automotive suppliers.

AEC (Automotive Electronics Council) standards for automotive components.

To meet these high-reliability requirements, manufacturers must consider four key factors when designing their products:

Component selection: Components must meet specific standards such as AEC-Q100.

Design and production processes: Manufacturers must adhere to strict quality control measures throughout design and production stages.

Internal tests: Products undergo rigorous internal tests to ensure they can withstand various environmental conditions.

External tests: Products are tested under extreme conditions such as temperature fluctuations.

In conclusion, new energy vehicles have become a global priority due to their rapid development worldwide. Goldsun Power Module solutions comply with IATF16949 quality management systems which provide complete power solutions for BMS battery management systems MCUs motor control systems VCUs vehicle control systems ensuring reliable energy supply for electric vehicles' powertrain protection



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