电视机通电后红灯亮但不启动Mini LED未来已来2024年或将超越OLED之巅
近年来,电视行业的格局发生了深刻的变化,液晶电视虽然依然占据出货量的领导地位,但它面临着来自OLED、Mini/Micro LED、QD-OLED、QLED以及激光电视等新兴技术的严峻挑战。这些创新技术正逐步蚕食液晶电视的地盘,而Mini LED作为当前最受欢迎和增长速度最快的显示技术之一,其未来发展前景令人瞩目。根据最新发布的《高端电视市场中OLED和Mini LED竞争态势》的报告预测,2024年Mini LED电视将首次超越OLED电视。
2023年的数据显示,Mini LED電視销售量达到了425万台,比上一年增加了24.7%;而同期OLED電視尽管仍保持一定市场份额,但其全球市场销售量仅有548万台,比去年下降了20.6%。预计到2024年,全球OLED電視销量将达到640万台,只增17%,这意味着OLED在未来的竞争中可能会被Mini LED所超越。
为什么Mini LED能够逆风增长并成为业界关注焦点?主要原因是它相比传统液晶屏幕拥有更大的优势。在背光分区方面,每个灯珠都能独立控制,从而实现精准调节,并且具有更高对比度和细节表现。此外,与其他高端技术如OLED相比,采用Mini LED背光的电视价格更加亲民,为消费者提供了一个既不牺牲品质又不透支经济的手段。
目前各大电子制造商纷纷推出搭载Mini LEDEG’s flagship TV models, not only because of its excellent performance but also as a strategic pivot to break through the saturated market for liquid-crystal displays (LCDs). With Mini LEDs being the ideal bridge between LCD and OLED technologies, it has become an attractive choice for manufacturers looking to stay ahead in the competition.
According to Yang Fan, founder of Best Buy China and a veteran media personality, "Although Mini LEDs have emerged as the best option for replacing traditional backlighting in LCD TVs and quantum dot TVs, it remains uncertain whether they will become the mainstream technology in the future. The current state of affairs in Mini LEDs is chaotic, with varying numbers of light-emitting diodes (LEDS) and partitions leading to inconsistent product quality."
As Mini LEDs continue to mature and costs decrease, they are poised to replace ordinary LCD TVs as top-selling products. Market research firm Arizto predicts that global revenue from Mini LEDs will reach $23.2 billion by 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 149%, from 2021-2024.
In conclusion, while OLED technology still holds significant appeal due to its sleek design and rich colors; however, considering factors such as price point affordability combined with superior image quality offered by Mini LEDEveryone can expect this new display technology trend set forth by these cutting-edge innovations shaping our future television landscape into one where consumers may soon find themselves spoilt for choice when deciding on their next big screen purchase!