酒窖专用空调吊顶式 风冷型 水冷型 温度控制范围:10~20±1℃ 湿度控制范围:50~70±5% 酒窖恒温恒湿空调机应用范围及特点:专业为红酒提供储藏设备的生产厂家,储存红酒最忌讳的是温度、湿度、光线、震动、异味等强烈变化影响红酒的陈年。目前大多数储藏红酒的设备,商家出于前期投资及运营成本考虑,以单纯的冷暖气空调设备居多,费用较低。由于冷暖气机兼具有除湿之功能,会使得室内环境越来越干燥,相对湿度甚至很低。这对保存葡萄酒的伤害相当大,不可轻忽。有些商家或许会再加配加湿器,但由于温度湿度分体控制,不是共享同一个机组的湿度探头,在控制精度上较差,再加上没有专业的恒温控制及避光通风处理,往往会造成葡萄酒的酒头与装饰结垢腐蚀等问题出现。因此良好的壁体隔热整体规划,设备的配置选择,都会影响酒窖内温湿度的恒定(温度14℃~20℃、湿度60%~70%)范围,并且安静无声、无震动,不论在任何季节都能保持均匀、稳定的理想wine cellar temperature and humidity, making the cellar temperature almost unaffected by external environmental factors.
The wine cellar constant temperature and humidity air conditioner has the following technical features: it can fully meet the strict requirements of red wine storage for environmental temperature and humidity: 1. Chinese liquid crystal display, with complete functions and simple operation, achieving high-precision dynamic intelligent control; 2. High precision control of temperature and humidity with strict requirements, and requires equipment to run all year round, every day, every hour; 3. Reliability: all components of the machine are selected from high-quality parts after rigorous testing to reduce maintenance needs and time, minimizing downtime;4. High energy efficiency: through adoption of compression technology DAIKIN (Daikin) company's flexible vortex type compressor system optimization at low end units reduces main input power to achieve performance indicators while consuming less energy.
Product features:
Wine Cellar Constant Temperature And Humidity Air Conditioner
Product function:
1.International brand vortex compressor unit for high efficiency & reliability
2.International brand external balance type heat expansion valve technology maturity
3.Chinese language LCD display with complete functionality & easy operation
4.International brand sensors for accurate measurement in both wet bulb temperatures & relative humidities
5.Durable electrical components manufactured by international brands
6.Functions include cooling/heating/dehumidifying/humidifying in one device
7.Steel structure design offers higher strength & durability.
8.Compact overall design ensuring a neat appearance & robust construction