首页 > 白家电 > 你知道吗IG-1000粒度分析仪其实是化工固体药品检测的利器





诱导光栅技术使用particle形成的衍射light发射出的衍生light,而不是particle发出scattering light,因此,即便在single nanometer particle region,也可获得充足信噪比重复性好稳定的数据。


高重现性稳定的数据。特别是在particle small than 10 nm of micro-particles具有high repeatability避免了single nanometer particle region内颗料分析中的uncertainty和fuzziness同时,可利用derivative light原始data进行measurement间比较藉此可轻松验证measurement结果。


Nano particles in the medium's refractive index change quantity is affected by its concentration. Therefore, if under an external force let the particles in the medium form a periodic change in concentration distribution, forming a shape similar to that of a diffraction grating, it will act as a diffraction grating. Specifically to IG method, is through stopping the external force after, particles gather forming diffraction grating gradually disappear caused by changes in intensity and time of diffracted light to measure particle diameter.

By two-way electrophoresis formed nano-particle diffracting grating

Alternating voltage is applied to periodically arranged electrodes, electric field acting on nano-particles in liquid and form periodic concentration distribution through electrophoresis. The gathered nano-particles form a diffracting grating. Although the periodic concentration distribution acts as diffracting grating (particle concentration diffracting), if stop alternating voltage, particles will freely diffuse and make the grating disappear (pending patent).

Key points of IG method

Electrode design realizes accurate measurement.

Periodically arranged electrodes themselves also serve as a type of diffracting gratings. While electrode-generated diffracted light weak compared with those generated from particle density diffusion-produced main-diffracation-light variation for precise measurement of mainly due to variations produced by particulate density diffusion main-diffracation-light variation requires ensuring positions not overlapping between two types of lights produced from both types' lights stacks. To achieve this purpose modify electrode design shown below so that electrode-generated diffracation-light distance half length than particulate-density-gratings one-half.

Measurement data

The following data were obtained using IG-1000 single-nanoparticle size analyzer for various actual samples.


Fullerenes are typical materials within single nanoparticle range and can be measured with high reproducibility using IG-1000.

Wide distribution silicon dioxide sample

Even though sample distributions are wide measurements results won't shift towards larger sizes capturing small nanoparticles accurately.

Sample contaminated with impurities

Measurement results unaffected even when trace amounts of contaminants present.(Example: measuring 50 nm-sized sample containing 1% 1 μm-sized impurities)

Mixed test analysis

Mixed test samples can be accurately detected. The IG method uses scattering produced by particles instead signal size does not depend on particle size This means mixed-sample assessment feasible If based on scattered-light-based detection methods even though volume identical signal-size proportional cube root grain-size difficult assessment mixed-test samples.)

Silica Gel Polyethylene Glycol Gel


*1: No solvent should cause damage to heat-resistant glass.*2: As long as liquid conductivity does not exceed 400 μS/cm., measurement possible (e.g., salt water & seawater only at dilution).



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