首页 > 白家电 > 无缝不锈钢管SIP验证卡箍高精度密封检测装置



SIP.pipe validation plug, made of 304 stainless steel, is a sanitary-grade heavy-duty plug designed to prevent the probe from being crushed. It features an enlarged opening with a thick silicone gasket and a wider slot than standard plugs, making it suitable for high-purity pharmaceutical systems. The plug can be easily installed between two sanitary flanges and secured using a locking mechanism. A hole on the plug allows for the attachment of thermocouples or other accessories.

Product Features:

Temporarily or permanently usable in SIP pipes

Easy to expand to multiple pipe systems

Sanitary grade, including blind segments

Easily solves SIP verification

Product Applications:

Sterilization validation

Placement of biological indicators

SIP pipes

Industry Applications:

High-pressure steam sterilizers, autoclaves, SIP systems, water baths sterilizers, freeze dryers, cold storage rooms, refrigerators and temperature-humidity chambers used in high-temperature sterilization equipment.



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